
flat branch Learn more about flat branch

  • Rhododendron bonsai pick bud Qi Maoping plate

    Rhododendron bonsai pick bud Qi Maoping plate

    Tree stump bonsai modeling requires clear levels, that is, the so-called "flat plate" in bonsai modeling, giving it natural rhyme, especially the rhododendron bonsai features are more prominent. However, in the modeling, some levels of flat disk growth is not satisfactory, the branch growth in the same layer is uneven, the flat plate is uneven. To this end, people usually carry out heart-picking, topping and other treatment techniques, and I now introduce a method that is most suitable for bonsai viewing: picking buds. The flat plate shape of rhododendron bonsai is generally flat branch type. In order to make it luxuriant and perfect as soon as possible, the cuckoo grows before it blooms.

  • Introduction performance and Management points of Zaohuang flat Peach

    Introduction performance and Management points of Zaohuang flat Peach

    Zaohuangpan peach was bred by Zhengzhou Fruit Tree Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences with 8Mu21 as female parent and French flat peach as male parent, named in 1997. It was introduced to Toutun River Farm at the end of last century. Through the observation of trial planting in the past ten years, this variety is more suitable for local natural conditions and can be developed and popularized in the suburbs of cities and towns along the north slope of Tianshan Mountain. 1) the general situation of the introduction site. Toutun River Farm is located in the western suburbs of Urumqi and belongs to the 12th Agricultural Division of bingtuan. The soil is half sandy and half sticky, and the pH value of the soil is moderately acidic. It belongs to the mid-temperate semi-arid climate zone with four distinct seasons.

  • We should learn how to shape the bonsai of camellia.

    We should learn how to shape the bonsai of camellia.

    Among the many plants of Sichuan style bonsai, camellia is one of the earliest tree species. Camellia is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. With the characteristics of not withering through winter, fighting frost and showing off color, camellias dress up in winter and early spring gardens. Such as for.

  • Flat peach, an excellent variety of peach

    Flat peach, an excellent variety of peach

    Flat peach 1. The characteristics of Zaolu flat peach variety: the tree posture is open, and the tree potential is moderate. All kinds of fruit branches can bear fruit, most of them are compound flower buds, and the initial nodes of flower buds are 1 ~ 2 nodes with high yield. The flower is rose type and has a large amount of pollen. The fruit matured on June 10 in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, and the fruit development period was 67 days. The cooling capacity is 750 hours. The fruit is medium-sized, with an average weight of 68 grams and a maximum of 95 grams. The fruit is flat, the top of the fruit is concave, and the suture is light; the peel is milky yellow, 50% covered with red halo, medium hairs and easy to peel off.

  • Modeling Technology of Camellia Bonsai

    Modeling Technology of Camellia Bonsai

    Camellia is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. With the characteristics of not withering through winter, fighting frost, proud snow and cold, camellia is dressed up as a garden in winter and early spring. If used in bonsai, it can brighten and invigorate the room with the natural combination of elegant and dignified plant shape, bright green leaves and beautiful but not demon flowers.

  • How to grow flat peach planting methods and matters needing attention

    How to grow flat peach planting methods and matters needing attention

    People know that flat peach this kind of food comes from mythical drama, in fact, it is a variety of peaches in real life, but its status in peaches is still very high. Because of its nutritional value of tonifying qi and blood, nourishing yin and promoting fluid, as well as edible value, it is affected by

    2020-11-08 Flat peach how to plant plant method and points for attention big public
  • A New very late ripening flat Peach Variety 'Rui '21'

    A New very late ripening flat Peach Variety 'Rui '21'

    Flat peach is a variety of peach and is a special resource in China. The Institute of Forestry Fruit trees of Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences has carried out the flat peach breeding program since the end of 1970s, and many varieties have been widely popularized in production, but the extremely late-maturing varieties with fruit development period of more than 160 days are still rare. 'Ruifei 21'(see Fengsan Sancai photo) is a new very late maturing flat peach variety obtained by crossing 'fantasy' × 'Ruili No. 4' (1996). It passed the Beijing crop Variety examination and approval Committee in 2006.

  • A New flat Peach Variety: Ruili 20

    A New flat Peach Variety: Ruili 20

    Ruili 20, a new very late ripening white flesh flat peach variety bred by the Forestry Fruit Tree Research Institute of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, was approved in Beijing not long ago. All kinds of fruit branches of this variety can bear fruit, mainly long and medium fruit branches, and the natural fruit setting rate is high. The fruit development period is about 160 days, and the annual growth period is about 208 days. The average weight of a single fruit is 254.7 grams, and the maximum weight is 350g. The fruit has a vertical diameter of 5.86 cm, a horizontal diameter of 8.37 cm and a lateral diameter of 9.28 cm.

  • A New flat Peach Variety-Ruili 20

    A New flat Peach Variety-Ruili 20

    Ruili 20, a new very late ripening white flesh flat peach variety bred by the Forestry Fruit Tree Research Institute of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, was approved in Beijing not long ago. All kinds of fruit branches of this variety can bear fruit, mainly long and medium fruit branches, and the natural fruit setting rate is high. The fruit development period is about 160 days, and the annual growth period is about 208 days. The average weight of a single fruit is 254.7 grams, and the maximum weight is 350g. The fruit has a vertical diameter of 5.86 cm, a horizontal diameter of 8.37 cm and a lateral diameter of 9.28 cm.

  • Ruipan 21, a New Flat Peach Variety

    Ruipan 21, a New Flat Peach Variety

    Ruipan 21, a new very late-ripening flat peach variety with white flesh bred by Forestry Fruit Research Institute of Beijing City Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, has recently passed the variety approval of Beijing City. All kinds of fruit branches of this variety can bear fruit, mainly long and medium fruit branches, and the natural fruit setting rate is high. The fruit development period is about 166 days, and the annual growth period is about 208 days. The average fruit weight is 235.6 g, the maximum fruit weight is 294 g. pericarp medium thick, difficult to peel. Flesh yellow white, subcutaneous no red silk, red near the nucleus. The meat is hard solute

  • A New flat Peach Variety-Ruili 21

    A New flat Peach Variety-Ruili 21

    Ruili 21, a new very late ripening white flesh flat peach variety bred by the Institute of Forestry Fruit trees, Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (zip code: 100093, telephone: 010-82594094), recently passed the variety approval in Beijing. All kinds of fruit branches of this variety can bear fruit, mainly long and medium fruit branches, and the natural fruit setting rate is high. The fruit development period is about 166 days, and the annual growth period is about 208 days. The fruit is large, with an average single fruit weight of 235.6 grams and a maximum fruit weight of 294g. The pericarp is moderately thick and difficult to peel off

  • A New flat Peach Variety-- Ruili 21

    A New flat Peach Variety-- Ruili 21

    Ruili 21, a new very late ripening white flesh flat peach variety bred by the Forestry Fruit Tree Research Institute of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, was approved in Beijing not long ago. All kinds of fruit branches of this variety can bear fruit, mainly long and medium fruit branches, and the natural fruit setting rate is high. The fruit development period is about 166 days, and the annual growth period is about 208 days. The fruit is large, with an average single fruit weight of 235.6 grams and a maximum fruit weight of 294g. The pericarp is medium thick and difficult to peel off. The flesh is yellow and white, there is no red silk under the skin, and red near the nucleus. The meat is hard.

  • New oil flat peach product: Ruiyou No.1

    New oil flat peach product: Ruiyou No.1

    A new late-ripening white flesh oil flat peach variety "Ruiyouzhu No. 1" selected by the Forestry Fruit Tree Research Institute of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry was approved in Beijing not long ago. All kinds of fruit branches of this variety can bear fruit, mainly long and medium fruit branches, and the natural fruit setting rate is high. The fruit development period is about 145 days, and the annual growth period is about 208 days. The average weight of single fruit is 80.9 grams, and the maximum weight of fruit is 114 grams. The background color of the pericarp is light green, and the fruit noodles are 3 to 4 with purplish red halo and no hairs. The pericarp is moderately thick and cannot be peeled off. The flesh is light green to yellow and white.

  • A new product of flat peach-Ruiyou No.1

    A new product of flat peach-Ruiyou No.1

    A new late-ripening white flesh oil flat peach variety "Ruiyouzhu No. 1" selected by the Forestry Fruit Tree Research Institute of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry was approved in Beijing not long ago. All kinds of fruit branches of this variety can bear fruit, mainly long and medium fruit branches, and the natural fruit setting rate is high. The fruit development period is about 145 days, and the annual growth period is about 208 days. The average weight of single fruit is 80.9 grams, and the maximum weight of fruit is 114 grams. The background color of the pericarp is light green, and the fruit noodles are 3 to 4 with purplish red halo and no hairs. The pericarp is moderately thick and cannot be peeled off. The flesh is light green to yellowish white, peeled

  • Modeling method of Camellia Bonsai

    Modeling method of Camellia Bonsai

    Camellia belongs to the family Theaceae, belonging to evergreen shrubs and small trees. Camellia is very popular because of its pleasant fragrance and blooming flowers, so it is often used as a bonsai plant for indoor decoration. however, camellias need to be styled before they are put indoors.

  • Apricot flat suitable for cultivation in Cold regions-- Weixuan No.1

    Apricot flat suitable for cultivation in Cold regions-- Weixuan No.1

    Weixuan No. 1 Xingbian was selected by Weichang County Forestry Bureau and approved by Hebei Forest Variety examination and approval Committee in 2007. First, the characteristics of varieties. The dry nature is strong, the tree posture is open, the tree shape is naturally round head. The budding ability of branches is strong, mainly short fruit branches, and axillary flower buds can also bear fruit. Generally, it blossoms and bears fruit 3 years after planting, 25 kg fruit per 5-year-old tree, 7.5 kg seed per plant, and enters the full fruit stage in 7-8 years. The average weight of the fruit is 13.6 grams (when the pericarp is green), the fruit is broad oval, the background is green and yellow, and the sunny side is red.

  • Do you use pinching to grow balsam pear?

    Do you use pinching to grow balsam pear?

    Balsam pear is a common vegetable in life, often edible can lose weight, reduce fire, etc., generally more popular in summer, that planting balsam pear with pinching? Do you use pinching to grow balsam pear? Planting balsam pear should be pinched. Usually after balsam pear grows vines and climbs onto the shelf

    2020-11-08 Planting balsam pear with pinch sharp yes life medium common
  • Camellia bonsai flat tie shape

    Camellia bonsai flat tie shape

    Among the many plants of Sichuan style bonsai, camellia is one of the earliest tree species. Camellia is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. With the characteristics of not withering through winter, fighting frost and showing off color, camellias dress up in winter and early spring gardens. Such as for.

  • Pruning and flat binding technique of firethorn bonsai

    Pruning and flat binding technique of firethorn bonsai

    Hippophae rhamnoides has strong vitality, and old stakes are collected in the field, and the trees are more than 100 years old. The sprouting ability of branches is strong, but the ability of branch formation is weak, that is, almost every bud germinates in spring, but only the top 12 buds are drawn into long branches of more than 45 cm. The branches of one-year-old students are flexible and can be tied at will, even if they make a slight squeak.

  • How to Graft the Old Branch of Camellia

    How to Graft the Old Branch of Camellia

    Camellia is generally propagated rapidly by grafting, and some precious varieties are not easy to root when cutting, but the survival rate can be improved by grafting. So friends who like camellias should be no stranger to grafting of old branches of camellias.
